Focus on Alcohol Awareness and Distracted Driving for the Month of April

Focus on Alcohol Awareness and Distracted Driving for the Month of April

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD) have marked April as the month to raise awareness for alcohol abuse, with the National Safety Council also recognizing April as Distracted Driving Month. These are important topics to cover not only in your personal life, but also in the workplace.

Alcohol Awareness

People drink to socialize, celebrate, and relax. However, alcohol often has a strong effect on people, and excessive alcohol use can lead to increased risk of health problems such as injuries, violence, liver diseases, and cancer.

According to the NCADD, alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States –“Out of millions who hold full time employment in the United States, close to fifteen million are heavy drinkers of alcohol, exacting a high cost on work organizations.”

In the workplace, the impact of alcoholism can cause major issues:

Some facts about alcohol in the workplace from NCADD:

As NCADD rightly points out, “Work can be an important and effective place to address alcoholism and other drug issues and by establishing or promoting programs.” To learn more, download the NCAAD fact sheet “Alcohol and Other Drugs in the Workplace” here.

Distracted Driving

Of course we all know that we should never drive after we’ve been indulging in our favorite alcoholic beverages. But what about that “one quick phone call” when we’re behind the wheel or that “it will just take a second” text message we want to read? That’s distracted driving and it can be just as deadly as driving while under the influence. According to the United States Department of Transportation, distracted driving is any non-driving activity a person engages in that has the potential to distract him or her from the primary task of driving and increase the risk of crashing, including visual, manual, and cognitive distractions.

Though some activities while driving may seem harmless enough, the consequences of not paying attention on the road can be disastrous to you and those around you. We want to make sure that you know how to stay safe out there on the roads. Type of distracting activities include (

While all distractions can endanger drivers’ safety, there are two kinds that soar above the rest as being the most dangerous: 1 – texting, because it involves all three types of distraction listed above (visual, manual, and cognitive), and 2 – drunk driving, where the driver’s vision, dexterity, and cognitive faculties are themselves impaired.

How critical is the fight against distracted driving? In the U.S., the federal government has created a dedicated website to raise awareness, called This site reveals some surprising facts on distracted driving:

Read more on Distracted Driving Month at NSC.

Driver Safety Programs and Free Downloadable Whitepaper from Summit

We don’t want your drivers to become statistics. Help keep them safe and stay in compliance with DOT driving regulations and enforcement programs in your state with Summit’s interactive, multi-media driver safety programs that include:

Summit’s free whitepaper download on distracted driving explains just why it is so important to have all your drivers understand their responsibility to recognize distracted driving and avoid those interferences at all costs. Click below to download:

Distracted Driving – Affecting Change with Forever and Ever >>

Stay safe out there!

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